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Glenwood Community School District uses funds from the statewide one-cent sales tax (SAVE) to address a variety of infrastructure and technology needs across our schools. This is made possible through a voter-approved Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS).


On Tuesday, March 5, GCSD voters will consider renewing the district’s RPS through 2051. This extension would take immediate effect upon voter approval and allow the district to borrow against future state sales tax revenues to address facility needs.


Renewal of the district's RPS will not lead to a property tax increase, will not affect the sales tax, will not create a new tax, and will not extend an existing tax.

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What is a Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS)?

A Revenue Purpose Statement (RPS) is a ballot measure that determines how a school district may use funds from the one-cent statewide sales tax, known as Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE).


What is SAVE? 

Commonly known as the statewide one-cent sales tax for education, the SAVE fund was created in 2008 to provide Iowa schools with a

revenue source to support infrastructure and technology. This prepares graduates for 21st-century careers and supports repairs

and improvements to facilities.

How would an approved statement affect property taxes?

Approving the RPS would not raise local property taxes, nor would it affect the sales tax. It would simply specify where and how the Glenwood Board of Education may direct SAVE funds.


How will this money be used?

Renewing the RPS will allow the district to spend state SAVE funds to address infrastructure and equipment needs. In previous years, we have used these funds for roof repairs and replacements, HVAC system maintenance, a 1-to-1 technology program, and improving school safety and security, among other projects.​ A review of the district's historical SAVE expenditures is available.


SAVE money can also be leveraged for building projects. GCSD's Central Office, Kids Place Day Care, and our alternative high school program known as THRIVE are located on the campus of the Glenwood Resource Center, which is closing later this year. Should the RPS be renewed through 2051, the district could borrow against future state sales tax revenues to construct a new home for the Central Office, Kids Place, THRIVE, and the Innovation Center on district-owned land near the high school.

Glenwood RPS

Glenwood RPS

Glenwood RPS
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Glenwood RPS GRC Status

Glenwood RPS GRC Status

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Glenwood RPS Video Uses of SAVE

Glenwood RPS Video Uses of SAVE

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Glenwood RPS Video SAVE Balance

Glenwood RPS Video SAVE Balance

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When is election day?

The election date is Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Where can I vote on election day?

Voters may cast their ballots at their regular polling location on Tuesday, March 5. Polling locations include:


American Legion – 104 N. Vine St., Glenwood

  • Precinct 3 – Glenwood Ward 1

  • Precinct 4 – Glenwood Ward 2

  • Precinct 5 – Glenwood Ward 3


American Legion – 104 N. Vine St., Glenwood

  • Precinct 2 – Glenwood Township

  • Precinct 8 – Center and Rawles Townships

  • Precinct 10 – Pacific Junction, Plattville and Lyons Townships


St. John’s Lutheran Church – 603 Main St., Mineola

  • Precinct 9 – Oak and St. Mary’s Townships

  • Precinct 11 – Silver City and Ingraham Township


These polling places are handicap accessible. Any voter who is physically unable to enter the polling place has the right to vote in their vehicle. For further information, please contact the Mills County Auditor’s Office.


Do I need an ID to vote in person?

Yes. A valid ID is needed in order to cast a ballot. Find more information at


Can I cast an absentee vote in this election?

Yes. Registered voters may request a mailed absentee ballot ahead of election day by contacting your County Auditor's Office. The deadline to request a mailed ballot is Monday, February 19. Ballots must be received by the Auditor’s Office before the polls close at  8 p.m. on election day to be considered for counting. In-person absentee voting begins on Wednesday, February 14, and can be completed at your County Auditor’s Office during regular business hours until Monday, March 4.

Please use the form below to submit any questions or feedback you may have.

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